New car due this month
2 answers
Paul B
I think we got one of the last production models out of Japan which coincided with the plant at St Petersberg in Russia being closed. I asked where mine was made. The major market is USA where I think all current production has gone pending the launch of the 2024 model which I understand will have a hydrogen cell option as well, which is what I am waiting for.

On another forum people are getting the ‘23 model with the new Head Unit.
Not sure what you mean by ‘what are you getting with it’? Very limited paperwork came with my R4P, best to download manuals etc. by logging into the web based MyToyota site. Assume you’ve downloaded the MyT app for you phone which will show you where the car is and data on the your efficiency.
Hope all goes well with the pick up, enjoy the car.
Question is closed
I have waited 13 months for a rav 4 and would like to know exactly what I will be getting. Will it be a end of the 2022 production or a new 2023 model. i hasked this question before but did not get an answer.