12V Battery Maintenance
10 answers

Simon Jones
The DRL's will only be on when the car is on or I think if you walk close to the car.
I don't think this will be an issue in terms of discharging the battery, if the car is on then it will manage the power required to maintain the vehicle e.g. being in EV mode or the engine needing to start.
Either way don't be concerned 🙂
Stephen Underwood
Hi, congratulations on buying a Corolla. It should prove easy to drive, smooth and economical.
Probably the DRLs can be one for a few hours before denting the battery charge level.
The 12V battery shouldn't need any maintenance or attention. I would say don't touch it or look at it. Maybe when the car is 7 years old it will be prudent to change the 12V battery.
If you want to lift the bonnet (assuming it is a 1.8) and do something, check the fluid levels monthly, and top up the screenwash, according to usage.
Probably though, you will get bored of the ever constant fluid levels, and extend the period between looking at them.
Get it serviced at 10000 miles or one year, and in between there really isn't much to do.
Enjoy the car.
Clive Duckworth
Hi I agree with previous the responses and suggest leave it well alone as a brand new Corolla is designed to look after itself. The only time I lift the bonnet is to fill the windscreen washer bottle. I’ve had mine over 18 months and I mostly only do short runs every couple of days with no battery problems… I don’t think you need to worry about it.
Paul Holland
The DRL's will only be on when the car is on or I think if you walk close to the car.
I don't think this will be an issue in terms of discharging the battery, if the car is on then it will manage the power required to maintain the vehicle e.g. being in EV mode or the engine needing to start.Either way don't be concerned 🙂
Thank you
Paul Holland
Hi I agree with previous the responses and suggest leave it well alone as a brand new Corolla is designed to look after itself. The only time I lift the bonnet is to fill the windscreen washer bottle. I’ve had mine over 18 months and I mostly only do short runs every couple of days with no battery problems… I don’t think you need to worry about it.
Thank you
Paul Holland
The DRL's will only be on when the car is on or I think if you walk close to the car.
I don't think this will be an issue in terms of discharging the battery, if the car is on then it will manage the power required to maintain the vehicle e.g. being in EV mode or the engine needing to start.Either way don't be concerned 🙂
Thank you
Paul Holland
I just realised, if you drive the car onto the drive and set it in P, Hand Brake on, leave it in Ready / switched on the DRL's stay on.
If the car is switched off and stationary - and you set it in Ready, Handbrake On, the shift lever in P, the DRL's stay off until you put the car in D or R
I live and learn!!!
Kenneth Thomas
Thats news to me too. It shows that this site is usefull in hearing other owners solutions. How do you like the car Paul???
Paul Holland
Thats news to me too. It shows that this site is usefull in hearing other owners solutions. How do you like the car Paul???
Hello Kenneth
The 2ltr GR Sport is impressive, plenty of power, good handling, good steering, good ride quality even on the 18inch wheels, solid build quality.
I only have 250 miles on the clock so far after 5 days of ownership, however average fuel economy is 48 mpg (a couple of 40 mile round trips and short local runs) assume mpg will improve once the car has a couple of thousand of miles on the clock.
This is my first Toyota in many years, I usually drive Honda's or Mazda's. I would say the interior materials quality was better in my previous 2020 Mazda 3 Sport Tech but the Toyota is a far better drive.
So overall, so far I'm very please with the car.
Kenneth Thomas
Good to hear that you are pleased with the car.
If I where you I would check the tyre pressures,my dealer seems to have a fixation to over inflate, a much better ride on Toyota recommended Pressures.
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Paul Holland
Having taken delivery of my first Toyota Hybrid this week, a 2023 Corolla, I thought I would give the 12V battery some maintenance while washing the car.
I left the car in Ready Mode, in P and Hand Brake on. Was going to leave it in that condition for an hour as recommended by various posts and by Toyota.
However I noticed when I walked around the front of the car the daytime running lights were on, Is this correct or am I missing something regarding the daytime running lights.
I was concerned the daytime running lights would discharge the 12V battery??? so I turned the car off.
Would appreciate advice on the above. Thank you.