DAB Reception
4 answers

Simon Jones
I've had my Corolla Excel (Hatchback) for about a month now and that's the thing i've noticed the compared to my previous Corolla (2021 GR Sport) as that the DAB reception is a little more glitchy compared to the last one.
It does switch between Internet Radio Streaming or FM if it exists for the radio station i'm listening to but not having a DAB signal doesn't always coincide with having a DCM connection.
Still investigating my self but i don't tend to use the radio a huge amount unless my partner is in the car as i either i'm streaming music or podcasts via the phone (Android Auto).
Probably not exactly helpful other than to validate your experience with mine :)

Leigh Rogers
Yeah in my Corolla icon hybrid I just switched over to DAB as old station switched from FM to DAB. All good then it was loss of signal or something like it, started to sing to the songs to cover the blank gaps but sounded like an alley cat at night. 🙀😂😂.
So I'm looking for the same answer as Skegness was to long showing my voice and the wife's and getting strange looks..
Paul Holland
Called in at the dealership today re poor DAB signal / reception on my 2023 Corolla. The dealership informed me Toyota are working on a fix as they are aware of the issue regarding poor DAB signal / reception.
There should be a Fix / Update available towards the end of November to upgrade the DAB signal / reception.
Assume that will mean Toyota customer recall.

Simon Jones
oh cool, thanks for passing that on! :)
I'll look forward to continually smashing the update button the car to see if there's one :)
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Paul Holland
Picked up my new Corolla GR Sport two days ago, the car feels and drive great, however the DAB reception tends to cut in and out on all stations when I'm out in the countryside. The reception is fine in and around my local area of Peterborough.
Also on one occasion the central LCD display screen turned black for a couple of seconds and then reverted back to the correct display.
Have any other owners experienced the above?
My previous car was a Mazda 3 Sport Tech and in 3 years of ownership it never lost the DAB signal.
The Corolla is booked into my local Toyota dealership early next week for them to check out the issue.